15 Ways of Better Understanding Your Cat’s Language.  Did You Ever Wonder What’s Behind Your Kittens Meowing?

15 Ways of Better Understanding Your Cat's Language. Did You Ever Wonder What's Behind Your Kittens Meowing

Did you ever wonder what your cat is trying to tell you when they meow?  Meowing kittens communicate with their mother, but grown cats do not meow to another adult cat – they growl, hiss or yowl at each other. Meowing is reserved for conversing with people.  So why are kittens meowing?

It’s Eating Time!

It’s Eating Time!

Cat loves eating.  Some would meow to wake you up asking that they be served with breakfast.  During mealtimes, some cats would start meowing every time someone walks in the kitchen expecting some food.  Others meow too much when it’s feeding time.  Do not to feed them whenever they cry, and give them food at the prescribed times only.  This way, they will learn that asking food at other times would not work out.

I’m Lonely and Bored

I’m Lonely and Bored

Cats that are vulnerable to boredom or always alone are typically single cats that have bonded closely with their pet owners.  They usually start crying when it’s about time to sleep and will only stop when you respond to them or if they get tired of getting your attention.   If they are left alone for long periods of time, they may become restless and meow terribly.  A short visit from a pet sitter to play with during the day would be helpful.  Feline friendly activities such as bird watching would also keep them pretty much occupied, as well as some hanging toys to play around.

Listen to Me

Listen to Me

When a cat meows excessively, this may mean they have learned the way of always getting whatever they want with such behavior.  To stop this nagging manner, it is best not to pay attention to their cries, unless you find it very unusual as there must be something wrong with them.  Feed them only when they are quiet and calm so that they will not be used to get what they want by meowing too much.

I’m Sick

I’m Sick

It is very seldom that cats show that they are hurting.  But when they are really in great pain, some of them will cry, but others would just remain quiet.  If they show a strange behavior, something is not right and they need the immediate attention of a veterinary.  This happened to my cat when one day, he stopped meowing for food and just stayed quiet and hid under the table the whole day; he was just going back and forth to the litter box trying to pee, but nothing came out.  He did not eat much for two days and was taken to his vet for examination.   It was found out that he has urinary tract infection and was given a special diet.



When you come home from work, you can expect a greeting meow from your cat especially when she is left alone the whole day.  She will greet you whenever she sees you in the house and when you talk to her.  One form of their greeting is leg rubbing, their way of saying “Hi, I’m glad you’re here.”

Let’s play!

Let’s play!

Sometimes cats meow just to be talked to, played with, or simply be stroked.  They enjoy being with people, while others are quite more vocal in getting your attention.  When her meow gets quite annoying, do not shout and don’t pay attention to her. Wait for her to be quiet for a while.  Once she’s silent, give her the attention she longs for.  Walk away when she meows again, and return only if she calms down.  She will get the message if you will do this consistently.

I’m Hungry and Cold

I’m Hungry and Cold

Meowing kittens get the attention of their mother when they feel cold or hungry.  Once they are old enough, they stop to meow to their mother.  This time, they continue meowing to people for attention.

I Like you

I Like you

An unspayed female cat in heat meows a lot, purrs, rubs against you more, and typically becomes super-affectionate.  When in heat, the female cat makes a very eerie loud sound as if she is in pain.  Spaying them is the best way to lessen their excessive meowing which usually last for 4 to 10 days.  A male cat that is not neutered also meows relentlessly when he hears or smells a female cat in heat.  His persistent meows would last the whole time the female cat is in heat.  This is a good reason of having him neutered.

I’m Stressed

I’m Stressed

Some cats meows loudly when they are stressed. This may happen when they are in a car for a vet visit, or you are just driving her around the area.   Others don’t show the same stress that might be gradually happening and you don’t notice the change in their behavior.  The signs may include hiding, aggression, excessive grooming, or loss of appetite.  Cats are vulnerable to developing compulsive behaviors if they are repeatedly exposed to stressful activities like tail chasing or running after a laser light.  It is best to bring your cat immediately to the veterinarian to rule out any medical implications if they show signs of being stressed.

I’m Mad

I’m Mad

When cats are being harmed or if they sense any threats, they naturally growl and howl in a screaming match.  Stay away from cats growling or howling at each other as it is likely that they are proving to each other of who is much superior.   Sometimes, these loud and drawn-out meows may also mean that your cat is in some kind of trouble – in pain, looking for you, or trapped somewhere else.  This annoying noise can also be part of mating behavior of unspayed and unneutered cats.  A senior cat suffering from dementia may also howl because of disorientation.

Please Open the Door

Please Open the Door

A cat usually meows to call your attention to open a door for her, either to go out or to get inside.  Sometimes, they just want the door to remain open so that they can get in/out anytime they want for which a cat door can be considered.  To protect cats from disease and danger, they should be kept totally indoors.  Cats that are used to going outside would do a lot of meowing for a period of time at windows and doors if they are kept inside.  Eventually, after some adjustments of living indoors, the meowing would finally stop.

I’m Getting Older

I’m Getting Older

Loud meowing is frequently demonstrated by elderly cats suffering from cognitive dysfunction, sensory deficits or mental confusion resulting to becoming disoriented.   This is a common indication of the feline version of “Alzheimer’s Disease.”  Aging cats can easily develop an overactive kidney and thyroid sickness that prompt an excessive meowing. Pay attention to changes in your senior cat’s behavior, litter box habits, water intake, and other things.  You may want to bring her to the veterinarian more often for her regular check-up.

Come Closer

Come Closer

When a cat is watching birds or squirrels from the window, they tweet and chatter, mouth moving in sync with the birds beak.  His tail starts to lash from side to side as if he’s ready to attack through the glass and swoop the bird.  According to some experts, cats make these amusing noises to simply display pent-up frustration when faced with preys they cannot attack, they chatter in anticipation or when frustrated.

I Trust You.

I Trust You

Cats communicate mainly with each other and even with humans through their body languages and certain postures to imply different things.  Moving their tail, ears, or eyes in a particular manner is an indicator of showing their moods in interacting with other cats or humans.  Such examples are the way they move their tails, exposing their abdomen as a sign of affection, arching their back when they are ready to fight and don’t want to be bothered, battling their lashes as a sign of trust, and staring down when they feel threatened.

Scent Markings

Scent Markings

Cats also communicate through scent markings.  They have scent glands all over their body and their sense of smell is about 200 times stronger than the human nose.  Among their means of communication is by the scent glands in their faces and paw pads which they leave behind when they rub on other animals, objects, and people.  When a cat head-butts a person or another cat, they offer their neck sideways which is their way in asking for grooming.

Experts say that cats meow at people because they need something, and most importantly, meowing gets results.  This is definitely true!